regen tx ecocredit gen-batch-json

Generates JSON to represent a new credit batch for use with create-batch command


Generates JSON to represent a new credit batch for use with create-batch command.


  • issuer: the account address of the credit batch issuer
  • project-id: the ID of the project
  • issuance-count: the number of issuance items to generate
  • metadata: any arbitrary metadata to attach to the credit batch
  • start-date: the beginning of the period during which this credit batch was quantified and verified (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
  • end-date: the end of the period during which this credit batch was quantified and verified (format: yyyy-mm-dd)
regen tx ecocredit gen-batch-json [issuer] [project-id] [issuance-count] [metadata] [start-date] [end-date] [flags]


regen tx ecocredit gen-batch-json regen1elq7ys34gpkj3jyvqee0h6yk4h9wsfxmgqelsw C01-001 2 regen:13toVgf5UjYBz6J29x28pLQyjKz5FpcW3f4bT5uRKGxGREWGKjEdXYG.rdf 2020-01-01 2021-01-01


  -h, --help   help for gen-batch-json

Options inherited from parent commands

      --chain-id string   The network chain ID


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 3-Apr-2024