

Given the content hash

  "raw": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1

the data is anchored if the content hash is unique

the data has not been anchored

When alice attempts to anchor the data at block time "2020-01-01"

Then the anchor entry exists with timestamp "2020-01-01".

the data has already been anchored by the same address

Given alice has anchored the data at block time "2020-01-01"

When alice attempts to anchor the data at block time "2020-01-02"

Then the anchor entry exists with timestamp "2020-01-01".

the data has already been anchored by a different address

Given alice has anchored the data at block time "2020-01-01"

When bob attempts to anchor the data at block time "2020-01-02"

Then the anchor entry exists with timestamp "2020-01-01".

Event is emitted

EventAnchor is emitted

When alice attempts to anchor the data at block time "2020-01-01"

Then the anchor entry exists with timestamp "2020-01-01"

And expect event with properties

  "iri": "regen:112wkBET2rRgE8pahuaczxKbmv7ciehqsne57F9gtzf1PVhwuFTX.bin"