
a valid data id

Given the data id

  "id": "cmVnZW4=",
  "iri": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf"

When the data id is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if id is empty

Given the data id


When the data id is validated

Then expect the error "id cannot be empty: parse error".

an error is returned if iri is empty

Given the data id

  "id": "cmVnZW4="

When the data id is validated

Then expect the error "failed to parse IRI: empty string is not allowed: invalid IRI: parse error".

an error is returned if iri is not formatted

Given the data id

  "id": "cmVnZW4=",
  "iri": "foo"

When the data id is validated

Then expect the error "failed to parse IRI foo: regen: prefix required: invalid IRI: parse error".