
a valid raw content hash

Given the content hash

  "raw": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1,
    "media_type": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect no error.

a valid graph content hash

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1,
    "canonicalization_algorithm": 1,
    "merkle_tree": 0

When the content hash is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if content hash is empty

Given the content hash


When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "content hash must be one of raw type or graph type: invalid request".

an error is returned if content hash includes both raw type and graph type

Given the content hash

  "raw": {},
  "graph": {}

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "content hash must be one of raw type or graph type: invalid request".

an error is returned if raw content hash is empty

Given the content hash

  "raw": {}

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "hash cannot be empty: invalid request".

an error is returned if raw content hash digest algorithm is unspecified

Given the content hash

  "raw": {

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "invalid data.DigestAlgorithm DIGEST_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED: invalid request".

an error is returned if raw content hash digest algorithm is unknown

Given the content hash

  "raw": {
    "digest_algorithm": 2

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "unknown data.DigestAlgorithm 2: invalid request".

an error is returned if raw content hash length does not match blake2b digest algorithm

Given the content hash

  "raw": {
    "hash": "AA==",
    "digest_algorithm": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "expected 32 bytes for DIGEST_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256, got 1: invalid request".

no error is returned if raw content hash media type is unspecified

Given the content hash

  "raw": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if graph content hash is empty

Given the content hash

  "graph": {}

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "hash cannot be empty: invalid request".

an error is returned if graph content hash digest algorithm is unspecified

Given the content hash

  "graph": {

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "invalid data.DigestAlgorithm DIGEST_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED: invalid request".

an error is returned if graph content hash digest algorithm is unknown

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 2

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "unknown data.DigestAlgorithm 2: invalid request".

an error is returned if graph content hash length does not match blake2b digest algorithm

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "hash": "AA==",
    "digest_algorithm": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "expected 32 bytes for DIGEST_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256, got 1: invalid request".

an error is returned if graph content hash canonicalization algorithm is unspecified

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "invalid data.GraphCanonicalizationAlgorithm GRAPH_CANONICALIZATION_ALGORITHM_UNSPECIFIED: invalid request".

an error is returned if graph content hash canonicalization algorithm is unknown

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1,
    "canonicalization_algorithm": 2

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "unknown data.GraphCanonicalizationAlgorithm 2: invalid request".

no error is returned if graph content hash merkle tree is unspecified

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1,
    "canonicalization_algorithm": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if graph content hash merkle tree is unknown

Given the content hash

  "graph": {
    "digest_algorithm": 1,
    "canonicalization_algorithm": 1,
    "merkle_tree": 1

When the content hash is validated

Then expect the error "unknown data.GraphMerkleTree 1: invalid request".