
A chain can be added to the list of allowed bridge chains:

  • when the authority is the governance account
  • when the chain name doesn't already exist in the state

The authority address is the governance account


Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68".

the authority is the governance account

When alice attempts to add allowed bridge chain with properties

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "chain_name": "polygon"

Then expect no error.

the authority is not the governance account

When alice attempts to add allowed bridge chain with properties

  "authority": "regen1fua8speyxgempgy06gpfs0p4z32zznkqakm57s",
  "chain_name": "polygon"

Then expect the error contains "invalid authority".

The chain name must not already exist

there is no chain name in state

When alice attempts to add chain name "polygon"

Then expect no error

And expect chain name "polygon" to exist.

chain name already exists in state

Given allowed chain name "polygon"

When alice attempts to add chain name "polygon"

Then expect the error contains "could not insert chain name polygon".