
A credit type can be added:

  • when the credit type does not exist
  • when the authority is a governance account address
  • the credit type is added

The credit type does not exist

The credit type does not exist

When alice attempts to add a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

Then expect no error.

The credit type already exists

Given a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

When alice attempts to add a credit type with name "carbon"

Then expect the error "credit type with carbon name already exists: conflict".

The credit type abbreviation already exists

Given a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

When alice attempts to add a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

Then expect the error "credit type abbreviation C already exists: conflict".

The authority must be governance account address

The authority is a governance account address

When alice attempts to add a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

Then expect no error.

The authority is not a governance account address

When alice attempts to add a credit type with properties

    "precision": 6

Then expect error contains "expected gov account as only signer for proposal message".