
A credit class can be created:

  • when the credit type exists
  • when the allowlist is enabled and the admin is an approved credit class creator
  • when the required class fee is not set and no fee is provided
  • when the credit class fee denom matches the required class fee denom
  • when the credit class fee amount is greater than or equal to the required class fee amount
  • when the admin balance is greater than or equal to an allowed basket fee amount
  • the admin balance is updated and only the required fee is taken
  • the class sequence is updated
  • the class issuers are added
  • the class properties are added
  • the response includes the class id

The credit type must exist

credit type exists

Given a credit type with abbreviation "A"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "A"

Then expect no error.

credit type exists

Given a credit type with abbreviation "A"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "B"

Then expect the error "could not get credit type with abbreviation B: not found: invalid request".

The admin must be an approved credit class creator if the allowlist is enabled


Given a credit type.

allowlist disabled and admin is an approved creator

Given allowlist enabled "false"

And alice is an approved credit class creator

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect no error.

allowlist disabled and admin is not an approved creator

Given allowlist enabled "false"

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect no error.

allowlist enabled and admin is an approved creator

Given allowlist enabled "true"

And alice is an approved credit class creator

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect no error.

allowlist enabled and admin is not an approved creator

Given allowlist enabled "true"

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect error contains "is not allowed to create credit classes: unauthorized".

The credit class fee is not required if the required class fee is not set


Given a credit type.

credit class fee provided and required class fee not set

Given alice has a token balance "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "20regen"

Then expect no error.

credit class fee not provided and required class fee not set

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect no error.

The credit class fee must match a credit class fee denom


Given a credit type

And alice has a token balance "20regen".

credit class fee matches required class fee denom

Given required class fee "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "20regen"

Then expect no error.

credit class fee does not match required class fee denom

Given required class fee "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "20atom"

Then expect the error "fee must be 20regen, got 20atom: insufficient fee".

credit class fee not provided and required class fee set

Given required class fee "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class

Then expect the error "fee cannot be empty: must be 20regen: insufficient fee".

The credit class fee must be greater than or equal to a credit class fee


Given a credit type

And alice has a token balance "20regen".

credit class fee is greater than or equal to required class fee

Given required class fee "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "[class-fee]"

Then expect no error.


greater than30regen
equal to20regen

credit class fee is less than required class fee

Given required class fee "20regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "10regen"

Then expect the error "fee must be 20regen, got 10regen: insufficient fee".

The user must have a balance greater than or equal to the credit class fee amount


Given a credit type

And required class fee "20regen".

admin balance is greater than or equal to credit class fee amount

Given alice has a token balance "[token-balance]"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "20regen"

Then expect no error.


greater than30regen
equal to20regen

admin balance is less than credit class fee amount

Given alice has a token balance "10regen"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with fee "20regen"

Then expect the error "insufficient balance 10 for bank denom regen: insufficient funds".

The class sequence is updated


Given a credit type with abbreviation "A".

the class sequence is updated

Given a class sequence with credit type "A" and next sequence "1"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "A"

Then expect class sequence with credit type "A" and next sequence "2".

the class sequence is not updated

Given a class sequence with credit type "A" and next sequence "1"

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "B"

Then expect class sequence with credit type "A" and next sequence "1".

The class issuers are added


Given a credit type.

the class issuers are added

When alice attempts to create a credit class with issuers


Then expect class issuers


The class properties are added


Given a credit type with abbreviation "A".

the class properties are added

When alice attempts to create a credit class with properties

  "credit_type_abbrev": "A",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVfvC2YxrrfSXWB5h2BGHiXZURsKxWUz72uDRDSPMCrYPguGUXSC.rdf"

Then expect class properties

  "id": "A01",
  "credit_type_abbrev": "A",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVfvC2YxrrfSXWB5h2BGHiXZURsKxWUz72uDRDSPMCrYPguGUXSC.rdf"

The response includes the class id


Given a credit type with abbreviation "A".

the response includes the class id

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "A"

Then expect the response

  "class_id": "A01"

Event is emitted


Given a credit type with abbreviation "A".

EventCreateClass is emitted

When alice attempts to create a credit class with credit type "A"

Then expect event with properties

  "class_id": "A01"