
The basket fee can be updated:

  • when the authority is a governance account address
  • the basket fee is updated

The authority is a governance account

the authority is a governance account

When alice attempts to update basket fee with properties

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "fee": {
    "denom": "uregen",
    "amount": "1000"

Then expect no error.

the authority is not a governance account

When alice attempts to update basket fee with properties

  "authority": "regen1fua8speyxgempgy06gpfs0p4z32zznkqakm57s",
  "fee": {
    "denom": "uregen",
    "amount": "1000"

Then expect error contains "expected gov account as only signer for proposal message".

The basket fee is updated

the basket fee is updated

When alice attempts to update basket fee with properties

  "fee": {
    "denom": "uregen",
    "amount": "1000"

Then expect no error

And expect basket fee with properties

  "fee": {
    "denom": "uregen",
    "amount": "1000"

the basket fee is removed

When alice attempts to update basket fee with properties


Then expect no error

And expect basket fee with properties

  "fee": {}

the basket fee is removed when amount is zero

When alice attempts to update basket fee with properties

  "fee": {
    "denom": "uregen",
    "amount": "0"

Then expect no error

And expect basket fee with properties

  "fee": {}