The issuers of a credit class can be updated:
- when the credit class exists
- when the admin is the admin of the credit class
- the credit class issuers are updated
The credit class must exist
Given a credit type with abbreviation "C"
And a credit class with class id "C01" and admin alice.
the credit class exists
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01"
Then expect no error.
the credit class does not exist
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C02"
Then expect the error "could not get credit class with id C02: not found: invalid request".
The admin must be the admin of the credit class
Given a credit type with abbreviation "C"
And a credit class with class id "C01" and admin alice.
the admin is the admin of the credit class
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01"
Then expect no error.
the admin is not the admin of the credit class
When bob attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01"
Then expect error contains "is not the admin of credit class C01: unauthorized".
The credit class issuers are updated
Given a credit type with abbreviation "C".
the credit class issuers are added
And a credit class with class id "C01" admin alice and issuers
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01" and add issuers
Then expect credit class with class id "C01" and issuers
the credit class issuers are removed
And a credit class with class id "C01" admin alice and issuers
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01" and remove issuers
Then expect credit class with class id "C01" and issuers
Event is emitted
Given a credit type with abbreviation "C"
And a credit class with class id "C01" and admin alice.
EventUpdateClassIssuers is emitted
When alice attempts to update class issuers with class id "C01"
Then expect event with properties
"class_id": "C01"