
Basket date criteria can be updated:

  • when the basket exists
  • when the authority is the governance account
  • when the basket date criteria is empty
  • when the basket date criteria includes minimum start date
  • when the basket date criteria includes start date window
  • when the basket date criteria includes years in the past

The basket must exist

the basket does not exist

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect the error "basket with denom eco.uC.NCT does not exist: not found".

the basket exists

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect no error.

The authority address is the governance account

the authority is not the governance account

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1fua8speyxgempgy06gpfs0p4z32zznkqakm57s",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect the error "invalid authority: expected regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68, got regen1fua8speyxgempgy06gpfs0p4z32zznkqakm57s: expected gov account as only signer for proposal message".

the authority is the governance account

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect no error.

The basket date criteria may be empty

new date criteria empty

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT"

Then expect no date criteria.

The basket date criteria may include minimum start date

new date criteria minimum start date

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "min_start_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Then expect date criteria

  "min_start_date": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z"

The basket date criteria may include start date window

new date criteria start date window

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "start_date_window": "43800h"

Then expect date criteria

  "start_date_window": "43800h"

The basket date criteria may include years in the past

new date criteria years in the past

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect date criteria

  "years_in_the_past": 10

Event is emitted

EventUpdateDateCriteria is emitted

Given the authority address "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68"

And a basket with denom "eco.uC.NCT"

When alice attempts to update date criteria with message

  "authority": "regen1nzh226hxrsvf4k69sa8v0nfuzx5vgwkczk8j68",
  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT",
  "new_date_criteria": {
    "years_in_the_past": 10

Then expect event with properties

  "denom": "eco.uC.NCT"