
A sell order can be updated: - when the sell order exists - when the user is the seller of the sell order - when the seller owns greater than or equal to the quantity of credits - when the number of decimal places in quantity is less than or equal to the credit type precision - when the ask denom is an allowed denom - when the expiration is after the block time - the market is created when the credit type and bank denom pair is unique - the escrowed credits are converted to tradable credits when quantity is reduced - the tradable credits are converted to escrowed credits when quantity is increased - the updated sell orders are stored in state

The sell order must exist


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom.

the sell order exists

Given alice created a sell order with id "1"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with id "1"

Then expect no error.

the sell order does not exist

When alice attempts to update the sell order with id "1"

Then expect the error "updates[0]: sell order with id 1: not found: invalid request".

The user must be the seller of the sell order


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom

And alice created a sell order.

the user is the seller

When alice attempts to update the sell order

Then expect no error.

the user is not the seller

When bob attempts to update the sell order

Then expect the error "updates[0]: seller must be the seller of the sell order: unauthorized".

The seller must own greater than or equal to the quantity of credits


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom.

seller owns greater than or equal to credit quantity (single sell order)

Given alice created a sell order with quantity "50"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "50" and escrowed amount "50"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "[quantity]"

Then expect no error.


greater than50
equal to100

seller owns greater than or equal to credit quantity (multiple sell orders)

Given alice created two sell orders each with quantity "50"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "100" and escrowed amount "100"

When alice attempts to update the two sell orders each with quantity "[quantity]"

Then expect no error.


greater than50
equal to100

seller owns less than credit quantity (single sell order)

Given alice created a sell order with quantity "50"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "0" and escrowed amount "50"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "100"

Then expect the error "updates[0]: credit quantity: 50, tradable balance: 0: insufficient credit balance".

seller owns less than credit quantity (multiple sell orders)

Given alice created two sell orders each with quantity "50"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "50" and escrowed amount "100"

When alice attempts to update the two sell orders each with quantity "100"

Then expect the error "updates[1]: credit quantity: 50, tradable balance: 0: insufficient credit balance".

The number of decimal places in quantity must be less than or equal to the credit type precision


Given a credit type with precision "6"

And an allowed denom

And alice created a sell order with quantity "100".

quantity decimal places less than or equal to precision

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "[quantity]"

Then expect no error.


less than99.12345
equal to99.123456

quantity decimal places more than precision

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "99.1234567"

Then expect the error "99.1234567 exceeds maximum decimal places: 6".

The ask denom must be an allowed denom


Given a credit type.

ask denom is allowed

Given an allowed denom with bank denom "regen"

And alice created a sell order with ask denom "regen"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with ask denom "regen"

Then expect no error.

ask denom is not allowed

Given an allowed denom with bank denom "atom"

And alice created a sell order with ask denom "atom"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with ask denom "regen"

Then expect the error "updates[0]: regen is not allowed to be used in sell orders: invalid request".

The expiration must be after the block time


Given a block time with timestamp "2020-01-01"

And a credit type

And an allowed denom

And alice created a sell order.

expiration is after block time

When alice attempts to update the sell order with expiration "2021-01-01"

Then expect no error.

expiration is before or equal to block time

When alice attempts to update the sell order with expiration "[expiration]"

Then expect the error "updates[0]: expiration must be in the future: [expiration] 00:00:00 +0000 UTC: invalid request".


equal to2020-01-01

The market is created when the credit type and bank denom pair is unique


Given a credit type with abbreviation "C"

And an allowed denom with bank denom "regen"

And an allowed denom with bank denom "atom"

And alice created a sell order with batch denom "C01-001-20200101-20210101-001" and ask denom "regen".

credit type and bank denom pair is unique

When alice attempts to update the sell order with ask denom "atom"

Then expect market with id "2" and denom "atom".

credit type and bank denom pair is not unique

When alice attempts to update the sell order with ask denom "regen"

Then expect no market with id "2".

The escrowed credits are converted to tradable credits when the quantity is reduced


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom

And alice created a sell order with quantity "100"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "0" and escrowed amount "100".

the credits are converted to tradable credits

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "50"

Then expect alice tradable credit balance "50"

And expect alice escrowed credit balance "50".

The tradable credits are converted to escrowed credits when the quantity is increased


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom

And alice created a sell order with quantity "100"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "100" and escrowed amount "100".

the credits are converted to escrowed credits

When alice attempts to update the sell order with quantity "200"

Then expect alice tradable credit balance "0"

And expect alice escrowed credit balance "200".

The updated sell orders are stored in state


Given a credit type with abbreviation "C"

And an allowed denom with bank denom "regen"

And an allowed denom with bank denom "atom".

the sell order is stored in state (single sell order)

Given alice created a sell order with the properties

  "batch_denom": "C01-001-20200101-20210101-001",
  "quantity": "10",
  "ask_price": {
    "denom": "regen",
    "amount": "10"
  "disable_auto_retire": true,
  "expiration": "2030-01-01T00:00:00Z"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "10" and escrowed amount "10"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with the properties

  "new_quantity": "20",
  "new_ask_price": {
    "denom": "atom",
    "amount": "20"
  "disable_auto_retire": false,
  "new_expiration": "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Then expect sell order with seller alice and the properties

  "id": 1,
  "ask_amount": "20",
  "expiration": "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "batch_key": 1,
  "quantity": "20",
  "disable_auto_retire": false,
  "market_id": 2,
  "maker": true

the sell order is stored in state (multiple sell orders)

Given alice created two sell orders each with the properties

  "batch_denom": "C01-001-20200101-20210101-001",
  "quantity": "10",
  "ask_price": {
    "denom": "regen",
    "amount": "10"
  "disable_auto_retire": true,
  "expiration": "2030-01-01T00:00:00Z"

And alice has a batch balance with tradable amount "20" and escrowed amount "20"

When alice attempts to update the two sell orders each with the properties

  "new_quantity": "20",
  "new_ask_price": {
    "denom": "atom",
    "amount": "20"
  "disable_auto_retire": false,
  "new_expiration": "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z"

Then expect sell order with seller alice and the properties

  "id": 2,
  "ask_amount": "20",
  "expiration": "2040-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "batch_key": 1,
  "quantity": "20",
  "disable_auto_retire": false,
  "market_id": 2,
  "maker": true

Event is emitted


Given a credit type

And an allowed denom.

EventUpdateSellOrder is emitted

Given alice created a sell order with id "1"

When alice attempts to update the sell order with id "1"

Then expect event with properties

  "sell_order_id": 1