
a valid message

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf",
  "jurisdiction": "US-WA",
  "reference_id": "VCS-001"

When the message is validated

Then expect no error.

a valid message without metadata

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "jurisdiction": "US-WA",
  "reference_id": "VCS-001"

When the message is validated

Then expect no error.

a valid message without reference id

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf",
  "jurisdiction": "US-WA"

When the message is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if admin is empty

Given the message


When the message is validated

Then expect the error "admin: empty address string is not allowed: invalid address".

an error is returned if admin is not a bech32 address

Given the message

  "admin": "foo"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "admin: decoding bech32 failed: invalid bech32 string length 3: invalid address".

an error is returned if class id is empty

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "class id: empty string is not allowed: parse error: invalid request".

an error is returned if class id is not formatted

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "foo"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "class id: expected format [credit-type-abbrev][class-sequence]: parse error: invalid request".

an error is returned if metadata is exceeds 256 characters

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01"

And metadata with length "257"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "metadata: max length 256: limit exceeded".

an error is returned if jurisdiction is empty

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "jurisdiction: empty string is not allowed: parse error: invalid request".

an error is returned if jurisdiction is not formatted

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf",
  "jurisdiction": "foo"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "jurisdiction: expected format [country-code][-[region-code][ [postal-code]]]: parse error: invalid request".

an error is returned if reference id is exceeds 32 characters

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf",
  "jurisdiction": "US-WA"

And a reference id with length "33"

When the message is validated

Then expect the error "reference id: max length 32: limit exceeded".

a valid amino message

Given the message

  "admin": "regen1depk54cuajgkzea6zpgkq36tnjwdzv4ak663u6",
  "class_id": "C01",
  "metadata": "regen:13toVgf5aZqSVSeJQv562xkkeoe3rr3bJWa29PHVKVf77VAkVMcDvVd.rdf",
  "jurisdiction": "US-WA",
  "reference_id": "VCS-001"

When message sign bytes queried

Then expect the sign bytes
