a valid credit type
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "C",
"name": "carbon",
"unit": "metric ton CO2 equivalent",
"precision": 6
When the credit type is validated
Then expect no error.
an error is returned if abbreviation is empty
Given the credit type
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "abbreviation: empty string is not allowed: parse error".
an error is returned if abbreviation is not formatted
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "1"
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "abbreviation: must be 1-3 uppercase alphabetic characters: parse error".
an error is returned if name is empty
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "C"
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "name cannot be empty: parse error".
an error is returned if name exceeds 75 characters
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "C"
And name with length "76"
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "credit type name cannot exceed 75 characters: parse error".
an error is returned if unit is empty
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "C",
"name": "carbon"
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "unit cannot be empty: parse error".
an error is returned if precision is not 6
Given the credit type
"abbreviation": "C",
"name": "carbon",
"unit": "metric ton CO2 equivalent",
"precision": 1
When the credit type is validated
Then expect the error "precision is currently locked to 6: parse error".