
a valid origin tx index

Given the origin tx index

  "class_key": 1,
  "id": "0x7a70692a348e8688f54ab2bdfe87d925d8cc88932520492a11eaa02dc128243e",
  "source": "polygon"

When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect no error.

an error is returned if class key is empty

Given the origin tx index


When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect the error "class key cannot be zero: parse error".

an error is returned if id is empty

Given the origin tx index

  "class_key": 1

When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect the error "id cannot be empty: parse error".

an error is returned if id exceeds 128 characters

Given the origin tx index

  "class_key": 1

And id with length "129"

When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect the error "id must be at most 128 characters long, valid characters: alpha-numberic, space, '-' or '_': parse error".

an error is returned if source is empty

Given the origin tx index

  "class_key": 1,
  "id": "0x7a70692a348e8688f54ab2bdfe87d925d8cc88932520492a11eaa02dc128243e"

When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect the error "source cannot be empty: parse error".

an error is returned if source exceeds 32 characters

Given the origin tx index

  "class_key": 1,
  "id": "0x7a70692a348e8688f54ab2bdfe87d925d8cc88932520492a11eaa02dc128243e"

And source with length "33"

When the origin tx index is validated

Then expect the error "source must be at most 32 characters long, valid characters: alpha-numberic, space, '-' or '_': parse error".