Msg Service


A new group can be created with the MsgCreateGroupRequest, which has an admin address, a list of members and some optional metadata bytes.


It's expecting to fail if metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.


Group members can be updated with the UpdateGroupMembersRequest.


In the list of MemberUpdates, an existing member can be removed by setting its weight to 0.

It's expecting to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group.


The UpdateGroupAdminRequest can be used to update a group admin.


It's expecting to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group.


The UpdateGroupMetadataRequest can be used to update a group metadata.


It's expecting to fail if:

  • new metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.
  • the signer is not the admin of the group.


A new group account can be created with the MsgCreateGroupAccountRequest, which has an admin address, a group id, a decision policy and some optional metadata bytes.


It's expecting to fail if metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.


The UpdateGroupAccountAdminRequest can be used to update a group account admin.


It's expecting to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group account.


The UpdateGroupAccountDecisionPolicyRequest can be used to update a decision policy.


It's expecting to fail if the signer is not the admin of the group account.


The UpdateGroupAccountMetadataRequest can be used to update a group account metadata.


It's expecting to fail if:

  • new metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.
  • the signer is not the admin of the group.


A new group account can be created with the MsgCreateProposalRequest, which has a group account address, a list of proposers addresses, a list of messages to execute if the proposal is accepted and some optional metadata bytes. An optional Exec value can be provided to try to execute the proposal immediately after proposal creation. Proposers signatures are considered as yes votes in this case.


It's expecting to fail if metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.


A new vote can be created with the MsgVoteRequest, given a proposal id, a voter address, a choice (yes, no, veto or abstain) and some optional metadata bytes. An optional Exec value can be provided to try to execute the proposal immediately after voting.


It's expecting to fail if metadata length is greater than some MaxMetadataLength.


A proposal can be executed with the MsgExecRequest.


The messages that are part of this proposal won't be executed if:

  • the group has been modified before tally.
  • the group account has been modified before tally.
  • the proposal has not been accepted.
  • the proposal status is not closed.
  • the proposal has already been successfully executed.