Initialize Node

The following instructions assume that you have already completed the following:

Initialize Node

Create the configuration files and data directory by initializing the node. In the following command, replace [moniker] with a name of your choice.

For Regen Mainnet:

regen init [moniker] --chain-id regen-1

For Redwood Testnet:

regen init [moniker] --chain-id regen-redwood-1

Update Genesis

Update the genesis file.

For Regen Mainnet:

curl | jq .result.genesis > ~/.regen/config/genesis.json

For Redwood Testnet:

curl | jq .result.genesis > ~/.regen/config/genesis.json

Update Peers

Add a seed node for initial peer discovery.

For Regen Mainnet:

sed -i '/persistent_peers =/c\persistent_peers = "'"$PERSISTENT_PEERS"'"' ~/.regen/config/config.toml

For Redwood Testnet:

sed -i '/persistent_peers =/c\persistent_peers = "'"$PERSISTENT_PEERS"'"' ~/.regen/config/config.toml

Start Node

The node is now ready to connect to the network:

regen start

Create a Validator

The next step will be to create a validator.

Using State Sync

Also, syncing from genesis will be a slow process. You may want to consider using state sync.